Putting my blog on hold for a min.

I have been enjoying my new baby so much, and I’ve try to still find time for my beautiful daughter and wonderful husband, which has been challenging.

I need to put my blog on hold for a while, and I’ll have to catch up on it later.

Thanks for all your support on this. It has truly been an amazing journey!

*Liquid Gold*/Breast Milk

Baby Mamma is even pumping for baby Gordon, so he can be healthy. She says it’s kinda his milk anyway. Cute huh? She has also been able to supply a few other babies with great, healthy milk!

I am still pumping and nursing my little heart out, with only drops of liquid gold. I’m trying really damn hard to be grateful for what I am getting, but so freakn frustrating. Breathe……………

I’m actually starting to notice a sight increase in milk. I try to focus on how amazing it is that I can even produce milk.

Also, my sweet angel LOVES to nurse, and has been extremely patient with me. I figure if he can keep working with me so patiently, than I will nurse him as long as he wants. Even if he’s not getting a ton of milk from me. Love you, babe!


Although, I was busy adjusting to my new baby, it still felt weird not to have Alice and Dan with us. I was worried about how she was doing with everything.

Fortunately, Alice came to stay with my favorite Aunt Faye for two weeks, and she happens to live right by us. Alice and I were both so grateful that we could be close and hang out whenever we wanted. We did see alot of each other over the next few days, which hopefully made the transition easier for all of us.

I have asked Alice how she’s feeling physically AND emotionally, every single day. Every single day, she said she feels way better than she thought she would, emotionally. She had done alot of prep-work, and kept her mind right where it needed to be.
Physically, she struggles a little, but as always, has a great attitude about it.

Sharing Everything/Togetherness

The next day, Alice insisted that we come back and share the room. It really made it a nice transition. Neither of us wanted to be apart for very long.

We got more visitors, and loved every minute of it. The baby started doing alot better, and I felt comfortable to go home with him. Alice wanted to stay another night, and we weren’t in any hurry to leave Baby Mamma or Dan. We stayed all day with them, and Gordon went out to get Cafe Rio for dinner. We were all sick of hospital food. Uuugg…

Gordon Metallic was discharged, and we left with our new baby around 6pm.

Tal’s First Night/Nursery

After a few hours of our sweet baby’s birth, we were all moved to a room on the postpartum unit. Both Alice and I wanted to stay together as much as possible. The five of us (Dan, Alice, Gordon, me, and baby) stayed together and received visitors, according to how Alice was feeling. Of course we were all on a high, and visitors were welcome.

I wanted to give Alice and Dan the room to themselves for the night, so they could get some good sleep. The staff set Gordon and I up in a room. The room was not set up for patients; it didn’t have any heat or call lights, so Gordon and I took turns thru the night in the nursery with the baby. Whoever was not with the baby in the nursery got a few hours of sleep.

Metallic was having a little trouble with the extra fluid he had swallowed, so we didn’t feel comfortable just leaving him in the nursery. He seemed to choke easy. We wanted to be able to be right there for him, because we were having to suction out his mouth quite frequently.

Plus, I didn’t want to leave him at all, but it was nice to have daddy there with him so I could get some rest.

More Legal Stuff

It wasn’t long after the birth, that our attorney showed up. He was one of the first visitors. It felt really strange to have him there. It was such a sacred time and place for everyone. He was very polite and respectful of the situation.

Gordon stepped right up to handle the rest of the legal stuff. It was important that we had the legal rights to our baby, so we could be with him and make decisions about his care.

I was so grateful to both of them for handling it, so I could just BE with my baby. It was very important to me to have that bonding time with MY sweet, adorable, “little man“!!!

Published in: on November 8, 2010 at 9:56 am  Leave a Comment  
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Skin To Skin/Bonding Time

At my request, the nurses had previously set up some curtains to give Alice privacy while she was pushing, and Gordon & I privacy so we could do skin-to-skin with the baby.

Gordon was able to be present during most of the labor. During birth, while Alice was pushing, he was behind the curtains to give her privacy. He wasn’t able to be in the room when I had Destynee, so he never had a chance to see labor or experience the birth of a baby.
Alice allowed him to experience it thru his ears and emotions. He was overwhelmed with the whole experience. There was a very intense, beautiful feeling in the room, and he could feel it.

Here I came, holding our baby boy! He was perfect! A normal, healthy baby!!! Daddy and mommy were able to do skin-to-skin, and the staff left us alone with him for the most part. He was having a little struggle coughing and throwing-up some fluid that he had swallowed. After he got most of it up, I was able to nurse him. He latched right on!!! I couldn’t believe a brand-new baby already knew how to nurse. I felt so much joy!!! I got to have a very different experience with him, then I had had with Destynee.

A healthy, full-term, beautiful, baby boy!!! Thank you Alice, Thank you!!!

Our New Arrival!!! Gordon Metallic!

Weighed a whapin’ 9 pounds 9 ounces and 21 inches long!

Gordon Metallic

Me and my new baby boy!

Destynee and Lil’ Brother, Tal

As you can imagine, I haven’t had time to blog. I will give details when I get a min.

Lovin’ it!!!

Overload of Emotions!

As my beautiful baby boy entered the world, I had a complete visual of a baby elephant. What??? He was enormous, 9.9lbs!!! His head came out, and then each limb came out, one at a time. Arm, arm…Leg, leg…. It was like he was too big to come out all at once. It was awesome!!! What a thrill!!
But poor baby mamma, ouch!!!

All at once, the tears I had been holding back for 30 hours, came pouring out. I felt euphoric and stunned all at the same time. I didn’t feel completely in my body. I was in shock!

I cut the cord, and they put him on baby mamma’s belly to clean him off. I had to get to Alice….. I wrapped my arms around her and we both cried our eyes out…. I was pretty hysterical!!! Emotional overload!!!!

The doctor immediately gave me my baby, and the nurse guided me to the chair. Waiting for me behind the curtains, was daddy, anxiously waiting to see his new baby boy!

Miracle Number Two!

After 30 hours of long, hard labor, my second miracle arrived! It’s a boy!!! Gordon Metallic, miracle number two!!!

After 28 hours, we were all exhausted, but nobody could complain. We knew that our exhaustion couldn’t touch the exhaustion, Alice, our wonderful baby mamma, felt….. And now it was time to push! She had given it all she had, and now had to give some more… WOW! She is so strong, and did such an amazing job.

It was torcher for me to watch her go thru all of it. I so badly wanted to take all the pain from her, and wished that I could trade her places. She was going thru all this for me, and I did not want her to have a bad experience. I tried to hold back the tears, and the guilt I felt for putting her thru this. Yet, I knew in my heart that she chose this experience, and I had to be okay with it.
There was nothing I could do to change it at this point; all I could do was help her thru it. Alice had her wonderful husband, our sister as a coach, our hypnobirthing instructor, my husband, and myself during her labor for support. We made an excellent team, but Alice made it all possible.

It was truly a beautiful experience, and I feel honored that she allowed me to be at the birth. I got to be a part of the birth of my second miracle, Gordon Metallic.